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Temple Sholom

Our Temple Sholom family is a warm community comprised of individuals, families, singles and couples from differing backgrounds and interests drawn together by the mutual desire for a meaningful Jewish experience.

Our congregation is a broad mix of educational and religious backgrounds. This diversity makes Temple Sholom an exciting, interesting and inspiring place to be.


 “Hybrid” Services

At Temple Sholom, we host services every Friday night in our temple that is located in Monticello, New York.  The services are “Hybrid”, meaning you can attend either in-person or via Zoom.

View Schedule

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Holiday Services

At Temple Sholom, we host services for all Jewish holidays.

Learn More




Our newsletter, The Harbinger, is published monthly and is an important source of information about Temple activities and the people who make things happen. Submissions to be considered for inclusion should be e-mailed to the editor. Deadline for consideration is the 14th day of the month prior to publication, i.e., September 14th for the October issue. To subscribe, send your email address to the Office.

Newsletter Archive


Latest Newsletter (March 2025):

March 2025 Harbinger - Temple Sholom
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Office Hours

The temple office is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 10:00am to 4:00pm.

Please call before coming.
Phone: 845.794.8731


Own your own copy of our Shabbat Prayerbook

The book we use is “Mishkan T’filah: Shabbat.” Order: by calling: 212-972-3636 x 241
or online by clicking here. You can order it with or without transliteration, or in large print.

Please Sponsor a Virtual Oneg Shabbat

As everywhere else, funds will be tight this year for our temple. You can do a mitzvah and be a Virtual Oneg Shabbat Sponsor or an in-person Oneg Sponsor at the temple with real food. Pick a Shabbat you would like to “Virtually Sponsor.” Click here for full details on how to be a sponsor.

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